A Social Marketing Approach to Disaster Preparedness Education

Technical BulletinLast updated Thursday, September 3, 2009
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New to the field of disaster preparedness education, emergency management officials in Bellingham, Washington, were unsure of what the most effective approaches to influencing disaster preparedness behaviors were. This research applied a social marketing-based model to identify the most effective approach and made recommendations towards implementation. Research questions addressed which behaviors were potentially of highest impact, which population segments were most likely to engage in, and benefit from, the desired behavior, the perceived barriers to and motivators for participation, and which marketing strategies would be most effective. Using the descriptive method, a research team, and the services of a professional research firm gathered extensive data from working group processes, focus groups and a telephone survey.Results suggested, and the recommendations reinforced, implementation of a marketing program to increase the storage of water for use during disaster events by those age 60 years or older.

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