Ask a Specialist
Our specialists are available to answer any question, ranging from vehicle operations to administration. Simply click on the 'Submit Question' link below for one of our specialists and you will be able to submit your question there. We’ll then have one of our specialists answer your question personally. Typical response times are between 2-3 business days.
Our Specialists
- Community Risk Reduction
- Human Resources
- Organization and Administration
How does this work?
How does this work?
Simply click on the 'Submit Question' link to the left for one our specialists and you will be able to submit your question there. We'll match you up with one of our specialists to give you a personal reply.
Does this cost money?
Nope! Ask a specialist is a free service that VFIS provides to all ResponderHelp users.
Are my answers confidential?
While we often publish previous questions, you can request that your question remain confidential when submitting.
What can I ask about?
Anything! Whether you have a question about administration, vehicle safety or operations, we've got specialists ready to help.
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