Mitigating Risks of Active Shooter Incidents

Technical BulletinLast updated Tuesday, January 26, 2016
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The problem was that the Leesburg Fire Department did not have a response plan for active shooter incidents which could have led to an uncoordinated response, inefficient use of department resources, as well as victim and responder safety concerns. The purpose of this research was to develop an active shooter response plan for the Leesburg Fire Department to ensure a coordinated response, efficient utilization of resources and to address victim and responder safety concerns. The procedures were an action research method that included a literature review, a questionnaire that was gathered from fire departments nationwide and personal interviews with the Medical Director and the SWAT Commander of the Leesburg Police Department. The action research method was used to answer the following questions for this applied research project: What are the current recommended standards for fire department/EMS active shooter response? What type of specialized equipment is required for an active shooter incident response? What type of specialized training is required for an active shooter incident response? What operational policies and safety procedures must be developed to support a response to an active shooter incident? The result of this research was the writing of a response SOG that is founded and based upon current recommendations for a fire department's/EMS department's response to an active shooter incident. Recommendations to the department include adoption of the ASI SOG and the further pursuit of training and specialized equipment to support the response to an ASI.

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