Development of Active Shooter Response Policy

Technical BulletinLast updated Friday, November 6, 2015
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Over the last several years active shooter events have become more common in the United States. These incidents have occurred in a wide variety of locations and across a wide range of demographic groups. The problem was the Rogers Fire Department did not have a policy for dealing with an active shooter incident. The purpose of this applied research project was to develop an active shooter incident response policy for the Rogers Fire Department. The action research method was utilized to develop an active shooter incident response policy by answering the following four research questions: (a) What tactics do fire, EMS, and other industry guiding bodies recommend be utilized at active shooter incidents?, (b) What tactics do other fire and EMS agencies in the United States utilize at active shooter incidents?, (c) What patient care strategies do fire, EMS, and other industry guiding bodies recommend be utilized at active shooter incidents?, and (d) What patient care strategies do other fire and EMS agencies in the United States utilize at active shooter incidents? In order to answer the research questions an in-depth review was performed of the published literature of guiding bodies that deal with providing medical care under conditions that include ballistic and explosive threats along with an evaluation of the active shooter response protocols of various fire and emergency medical agencies in the United States. The results showed widespread agreement of the necessity for response agencies to be prepared to provide medical care under combat-like circumstances. Additionally, in order to have the greatest impact, medical personnel should focus on treating life-threatening hemorrhage and breathing problems. The recommendations based on the research included developing an active shooter response policy that allows medical personnel to provide point-of-wounding care to victims while operating under the protection of law enforcement.

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