Workplace Violence - Threats of Violence

Technical BulletinLast updated Tuesday, June 4, 2019
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Leaders within an organization often have the first opportunity to note warning signs of violence, including instances of domestic abuse involving employees and volunteers that may escalate into violence in the work environment. It is critical for all organizations to take proactive steps to reduce the likelihood of a violence incident. This bulletin offers risk management guidelines along with a Sample Violence/Threats of Violence Policy to help your organization provide a safe and productive work environment for all employees and volunteers and to help reduce exposure to litigation.

Supplemental Resources


Workplace Violence Awareness

Awareness of the issues and actions to take to manage violence in the workplace

Technical Bulletin

FF Injuries Associated with Workplace Violence

VFIS Tailboard Training loss prevention program focused on firefighter injuries associated with workplace violence


Workplace Violence Issues for Fire and EMS Personnel

This online VFIS-U program is designed to provide an operational understanding of the awareness of the issue, prevention techniques to take and actions necessary when events occur.

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