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In 2019, the MN Legislature passed a law requiring that any class B firefighting foam containing PFAS that is used on a fire must be reported to the State Fire Reporting System within 24 hours. Use of PFAS-containing firefighting foam for testing and training is generally prohibited. The law is set to take effect July 1, 2020.


Beginning on July 1, 2020, no person, political subdivision, or state agency shall discharge AFFF for training purposes, subject to some exceptions, and for testing purposes, unless the testing facility has implemented appropriate containment, treatment, and disposal measures to prevent releases of AFFF to the environment.


Beginning on July 1, 2020, any person, political subdivision, or state agency that discharges AFFF must be reported to the Minnesota Fire Incident Reporting System within 24 hours of the discharge. 

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Legislative Reference

MN Revised Statute 325F-072 https://casetext.com/statute/minnesota-statutes/trade-regulations-consumer-protection/chapter-325f-consumer-protection-products-and-sales/flame-resistant-tents-and-sleeping-bags/section-325f072-firefighting-foam

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