Warning Devices

PosterLast updated Friday, April 5, 2019
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The poster Warning Devices provides a great tool to spread the safety message to follow SOGs regarding the use of warning devices. Posters help keep safety vigilant in the minds of members.

Supplemental Resources


Emergency Vehicle Driver Training - EVDT

Used to gain or verify a broad range of emergency vehicle operation competencies


Emergency Vehicle Response Guidelines on VFISU

Basic emergency vehicle response guidelines and how to implement best practices.

Technical Bulletin

Emergency Vehicle Safe Operations

Manual on Safe Vehicle Operations for Volunteer and Small Combination ESOs

Technical Bulletin

EMS Use of Red Lights and Sirens

NFA EFO Applied Research Project focusing on reducing EMS use of red lights and sirens to mitigate risk without adversely affecting patient outcome

Technical Bulletin

Reducing Risk from Red Lights and Siren Response

NFA EFO Applied Research Project sought to identify methods that will reduce risk to all civilian drivers when the FD is responding to emergencies

Technical Bulletin

Is EMD an Option to Limit Use of Red Lights and Sirens

NFA EFO Applied Research Project sought to determine whether Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) is an Option to Limit Use of Red Lights and Sirens for the FD

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