Personnel Accountability Inconsistencies Among FDs

Technical BulletinLast updated Thursday, March 23, 2017
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Land based firefighting on a marine vessel is unarguably one of the most challenging disciplines faced in firefighting. A Trident nuclear submarine further complicates firefighting efforts based on the size and contents. The problem was that Kings Bay Fire Department (KBFD) and the United States Navy (USN) have an inconsistent personnel accountability framework during a nuclear submarine fire. The purpose of this research project was to identify the inconsistencies within the operational plan of KBFD and the USN during a nuclear submarine fire. This study utilized the descriptive research method, utilizing email questionnaires, government documents and manuals. The research questions were: What is the KBFD personnel accountability process during a nuclear submarine fire? What is the USN personnel accountability process during a nuclear submarine fire? What are the specific differences between the KBFD and USN personnel accountability processes during a nuclear submarine fire? What are the similarities of the KBFD and USN personnel accountability processes during a nuclear submarine fire? Questionnaires were emailed to KBFD fire officers and USN senior personnel. The questionnaire responses provided insight into land and sea based firefighting principles and the current status of accountability integration at Kings Bay Naval Base. The research conducted revealed that differing mentalities in firefighting and managing accountability presented extraordinary obstacles for the integration of firefighting crews during a nuclear submarine fire. The author recommended additional coordinated training and planning to ensure integration of personnel from each organization to improve personnel accountability during a nuclear submarine fire.

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