Firefighter Rehabilitation - Are We Meeting the Need?

Technical BulletinLast updated Monday, December 1, 2008
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The problem was that the Orange County Fire Authority has not addressed the rehabilitation needs following the intrinsic physical demands and stress from firefighting operations. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effects of hydration status, exertion level, core body temperature and post-incident cooling techniques on firefighter performance and rehabilitation. Descriptive research was used to study the present situation and formulate a foundation for a course of action. Through descriptive research, questions were asked on the effects of physical exertion, hydration levels, and core body temperature on firefighters' performance. The research also evaluated methods of rehabilitating firefighters during firefighting operations. The research was carried out through literature review and applied methodologies.The results and recommendations identified a need to develop a rehabilitation policy. Further recommendations were made to require mandatory participation in the Orange County Fire Authority's physical fitness program, provide training to department commanders on the importance of rehabilitation and provide training to all department members on proper rehydration.

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