LODD F2016-16 FF Killed by Tanker Backing into Station

Technical BulletinLast updated Wednesday, February 7, 2018
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On July 23, 2016, a 60-year-old male volunteer fire fighter died when he was struck by a tanker backing into the bay at the fire station. The volunteer fire department had been assisting the community in a motorcycle benefit for a children’s cancer organization. At 1130 hours, the fire department placed three of their apparatus at different route locations to control traffic for the motorcycles riding in the benefit. Approximately 2 hours later, when the event had concluded, Tanker 72 returned to the fire station. The driver was attempting to back into Bay 3 when the fire fighter, near the station’s man door approximately 30 feet away, walked toward the rear of the backing tanker. A second fire fighter around Side B of the station heard the fire fighter yelling the driver’s name and walked around to Side A to see why he was yelling. The second fire fighter noticed that the tanker’s right rear wheels were on the fire fighter’s left leg and the fire fighter was horizontal on the parking pad of the fire station. The second fire fighter ran to the driver’s door to get the driver’s attention to stop. When the driver stopped the tanker, it had completely run over the left half of the fire fighter’s body. An ambulance was called that arrived within minutes but the fire fighter was pronounced dead at the scene.

Supplemental Resources

Technical Bulletin

NFPA 1500 Standard on FD Occupational Safety-Health-Wellness Program

NFPA 1500 specifies the minimum requirements for an occupational safety and health program for fire departments or organizations that provide rescue, fire suppression, emergency medical services, hazardous materials mitigation, special operations and other emergency services. Fee required

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