Incumbent Fitness Assessments

Technical BulletinLast updated Tuesday, September 30, 2014
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The South Metro Fire Rescue Authority (SMFRA) is tasked with providing quality emergency services. In order to provide quality emergency services the authority must determine and assess the fitness levels of its membership. This allows the authority to ensure it is sending capable firefighters and emergency medical technicians to each emergency. The problem is that South Metro Fire Rescue Authority (SMFRA) has not developed a consistent fitness assessment for its firefighters that meets the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards. The purpose of this research to determine what steps need to be taken to realign SMFRA's current assessment to meet NFPA standards. A descriptive method of research was utilized to answer the following research questions: What are the goals and requirements of the NFPA standards regarding fitness assessments? What are the deficiencies in the current incumbent fitness assessment as it relates to the NFPA standards? What are the goals of the organization for the incumbent fitness assessment? What assessments from other agencies meet the NFPA standards? The research was conducted using a review of relevant literature, personal interviews, and surveys completed by internal leaders and external fire service professionals. Results of this research indicated that there are several different methods to assess a firefighter's fitness. Survey feedback also showed that respondents considered fitness assessments an important function of the organization. This author's recommendations included discontinuing the Incumbent Physical Agility Test (IPAT) and changing some of the components of the fitness assessment to meet NFPA standards. If implemented these recommendations would provide for a more comprehensive fitness assessment in line with NFPA standards.

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