Periodic Medical and Fitness Evaluations

Technical BulletinLast updated Tuesday, January 19, 2016
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The problem was that the Marquette City Fire Department did not periodically evaluate the medical and physical fitness of current department personnel. The purpose of the research was to develop a policy that mandated periodic medical and physical fitness evaluations for current department personnel. Action research was utilized to determine the requirements of relevant national standards, the consensus components of medical and physical fitness evaluations, and the organizational barriers and solutions to the development and implementation of an evaluation policy. The research procedures incorporated a document analysis of relevant national standards, an external survey polling select, similar fire departments, and interviews examining the views of department administration and union representatives. The research results indicated that the majority of the queried fire departments provided evaluation programs that were in accord with national standards. It was determined that program cost was the main organizational barrier for department administrations, and, while job security was the main obstacle for most unions, local union representatives did not foresee such barriers. The research results yielded a policy that paralleled the National Fire Protection Association 1582 standard and the Fire Service Joint Labor Management Wellness-Fitness Initiative, as well as accounted for the probable need for cost savings by providing for evaluations to be conducted by members' personal physicians. The author recommends the consensus policy mandating the annual medical and physical fitness evaluation of Marquette City Fire Department members be implemented. Further research should be considered toward the development of a comprehensive health and wellness program.

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